

Looking for good books to read?  or  Still planning your summer vacation?  I listed some paper-based books because feeling the pages make me feel good. As a bookworm, it keeps me entertained and imagination alive. I’ve gathered 3 books that love to share with you.

The Psychology of Success

Success comes from hard work but we never become successful if we don’t have the right mindset. The book gives much good advice, especially about success means. Easy to read and jargon-free, The Psychology of Success explains how successful people think.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

  The author developed the KonMari method, which consists of gathering everything step by step and owns by category. She gives really good tricks about cleaning, organizing, and storing. Marie really encourages you to think about the motivation behind the organization. In my opinion, it is not only about cleaning or organizing, she offers the minimal lifestyle. Quite helpful!

No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline 

I liked to read this book. It says self-discipline that the key. I found dozens of tips, managing time and insider ideas. The book illustrated with real-life examples, it was a great way to understand. A lot of basic self-management information. It is gonna be motivated you!